Training, Drills & Exercises

    Typical problems

    The tasks of a PFSO include, amongst many others, raising security awareness of all the port facility personnel and ensuring that personnel performing facility security duties is appropriately trained. PFSO’s rely often on the contracted security providers to perform these tasks, without proper control.

    The quarterly drills should test elements of the PFSP. Often organisations lack time or resources to prepare and conduct meaningful drills.

    Drills or exercises have shown that security personnel does not know the procedures or does not apply them effectively.

    Our approach

    Determine the required training for all persons with security duties in your organisation. Establish a matrix with the required training per role & responsibility.

    Train your security staff to the internationally recognised IMO standards, according to your needs and teach the best techniques (surveillance, control room, searches …).

    Develop with you security awareness programs for your employees, contractors and visitors.

    Specifically for port facilities under ISPS code:

    • Provide training for Port Facility Security Officers (ISPS §18.1) and for all persons with security duties (ISPS §18.2), based on IMO Model Courses 3.21 and 3.24 (2018).
    • Provide refresher training about the new risks and mitigation measures.
    • Develop and support with table top or full scale drills and exercises (ISPS §18.3 & 4)


    Everybody present in your company is aware of the risks and contributes to the protection of your business.

    The personnel of a port facility is trained in compliance with the international port security requirements.
